Project Updates
News, events, announcements, and other updates from the TRANSFORM team

Hübschle on The “Crime Spot meets SHERLOC” podcast
Dr. Annette Hübschle makes an appearance on the “Crime Spot meets SHERLOC” podcast. This podcast explores ‘transnational organized crime investigations, whilst drawing on the expertise of UNODC and the open-source

Yates will participate in online summer school Cross Border Transfer of Cultural Objects: the Law, Challenges, and Practice
Dr Donna Yates will give a lecture titled “The antiquities trade: Defining a grey market?” at online summer school Cross Border Transfer of Cultural Objects: the Law, Challenges, and Practice.

Yates will participate in a roundtable discussion on Decolonisation at EAA 2021
Dr Donna Yates will participate in roundtable Session #376. “Expanding Horizons: Decolonisation, Contested Ownership of Archaeological Material, and the 1970 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Property” at the 2021 annual meeting

Mackenzie speaking at NZIPA Conference & AGM, 6 August
Dr Simon Mackenzie will give an in-person presentation at Annual Conference and AGM held by the New Zealand Institute of Patent Attorneys. Dr Mackenzie will give a talk titled “NFTs:

Mackenzie’s inaugural lecture, 11 August
Professor Simon Mackenzie will give his inaugural lecture on 11 August. The lecture titled “Cryptocurrency scams and criminology” will cover some of the scams currently flourishing in this new and

Hübschle makes several cameo appearances on The Invisible Hand Podcast
Dr Annette Hübschle makes several cameo appearances on the brand new podcast – The Invisible Hand. This podcast explores the complexity of rhino poaching in Southern Africa. This series follows

Mackenzie speaking at the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, 29-30 June
Dr Simon Mackenzie has been invited to speak at the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference which celebrates 50th anniversary of the 1970 Convention. The conference is organised jointly by the UNESCO office in

Yates will be giving a public talk exploring crime in the art world, 7 May
Dr Donna Yates will be giving a public talk titled “The Curious Case of the Persian Guard: Looting, Trafficking, and White Collar Crime in Art World”. The talk is organised

Mackenzie speaking at symposium “Preventing Art Crime”, 29 May
Dr Simon Mackenzie will be speaking at symposium “Preventing Art Crime” organised by The New Zealand Art Crime Research Trust. The symposium will take place at City Gallery Wellington on

We are hosting “The Power of Things” conference, 6 May
“Trafficking Transformations” project is hosting an online conference “The Power of Things: Understanding relationships between objects and crime. The conference will take place on 6 May 2021. This conference takes

Yates speaking at webinar “Criminal networks trafficking antiquities: can we disrupt the market ?”, 27 April
Dr Donna Yates will be one of the key speakers at an introductory webinar “Criminal networks trafficking antiquities: can we disrupt the market ?” organised by EU AML/CFT Global Facility.

The social economy of rhino poaching in Southern Africa: Hübschle on E4J Global Podcast Series
Dr. Annette Hübschle appeared on Education for Justice Global Podcast series Episode 11: The social economy of rhino poaching in Southern Africa. In this episode, Dr. Hübschle sheds light on