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Mackenzie, Simon and Donna Yates (2016) What is Grey about the “Grey Market” in Antiquities. In: The Architecture of Illegal Markets: Towards an Economic Sociology of Illegality in the Economy, […]
Mackenzie, Simon and Donna Yates (2016) Trafficking Cultural Objects and Human Rights. In: The Routledge Handbook of Criminology and Human Rights, L. Weber, E. Fishwick and M. Marmo (eds.). London: […]
Yates, Donna (2016) The Global Traffic in Looted Cultural Objects. In: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture, N. Rafter, and E. Carribine (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mackenzie, Simon and Donna Yates (2016) Collectors on illicit collecting: Higher loyalties and other techniques of neutralization in the unlawful collecting of rare and precious orchids and antiquities. Theoretical Criminology, […]