April 24, 2015
Reality and Practicality: Challenges to Effective Cultural Property Policy on the Ground in Latin America
Yates, Donna (2015) Reality and Practicality: Challenges to Effective Cultural Property Policy on the Ground in Latin America. International Journal of Cultural Property, 22 (2-3): 337-356.
March 24, 2015
Value and doubt: The persuasive power of ‘authenticity’ in the antiquities market
Yates, Donna (2015) Value and doubt’: The persuasive power of “authenticity” in the antiquities market. PARSE , 2: 71-84.
March 1, 2015
Sociology and opportunities for organised crime research
Hübschle, Annette (2015) Sociology and opportunities for organised crime research. Economic Sociology: The European Newsletter, 16(3).