Welch, John R., Donna Yates, et al. (2019) Hope in Dirt: Report of the Fort Apache Workshop on Forensic Sedimentology Applications to Cultural Property Crime, 15—19 October 2018. International Journal […]
Yates, Donna (2019) Cultural Heritage Offences in Latin America: Textile Traffickers, Mummy Mailers, Silver Smugglers, and Virgin Vandals. In: The Palgrave Handbook on Art Crime, S. Hufnagel and D. Chappell […]
Tremain, Cara G. and Donna Yates, eds. (2019) The Market for Mesoamerica: Reflections on the Sale of Pre-Columbian Antiquities. Gainsville: University Press of Florida.
Hübschle, Annette (2019) Fluid interfaces between flows of rhino horn. In: The Policing of flows: Challenging contemporary criminology, A. Amicelle, et al. (eds). London: Routledge.
Mackenzie, Simon (2019) White-Collar Crime, Organised Crime and the Challenges of Doing Research on Art Crime. In: The Palgrave Handbook on Art Crime, S. Hufnagel and D. Chappell (eds.). London: […]
Davis, Tess and Simon Mackenzie (2019) The International Politics of Cultural Heritage Crime in Cambodia: Past, Present and Future. In: The Palgrave Handbook on Art Crime, S. Hufnagel and D. […]
Yates, Donna and Simon Mackenzie (2018) Heritage, crisis, and community crime prevention in Nepal. International Journal of Cultural Property, 25(2): 203-221.
Hübschle, Annette with Clifford Shearing (2018) Ending wildlife trafficking: Local communities as change agents. Geneva: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.
Hübschle, Annette (2017) The social economy of rhino poaching: Of economic freedom fighters, professional hunters and marginalized local people. Current Sociology, 65 (3): 427 – 447.
Hübschle, Annette (2017) On the Record: Interview with Major General Johan Jooste (Retired), South African National Parks, Head of Special Projects. South African Crime Quarterly 60: 61-68.
Yates, Donna, Simon Mackenzie and Emiline Smith (2017) The cultural capitalists: Notes on the ongoing reconfiguration of trafficking culture in Asia. Crime, Media, Culture, 13(2): 245-254.