Project Updates
News, events, announcements, and other updates from the TRANSFORM team

Endangered heritage and illicit trade: Yates on the ‘Inside the Box’ podcast
March 15, 2021
Donna Yates appeared alongside Maria Dahlström on “Inside the Box”, the podcast of the National Museums of World Culture, Sweden. Starting with a decapitated Buddha head from China as a

Yates speaking at “Imperial Artefacts” Conference, 28 Jan
February 13, 2021
Dr Donna Yates and Brieanah Gouveia of King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center will be speaking at a 2-day international online conference (28 and 29 January) organised by Leiden University. Donna Yates and Brieanah Gouveia will be giving talk titled ‘Provenance narratives

Yates speaking at IAL virtual Study Forum 6 Feb
February 13, 2021
Dr Donna Yates will be speaking at virtual Study Forum (6 Feb) organised by Institute of Art & Law. This forum will provide an opportunity to hear about some of the fascinating issues and recent